Homemade Hair Wash For clean, fresh hair full of body, try this recipe. I like to do this once a week so my hair does not become dull from using the same shampoos and conditioners.
Step 1:
1/2 cup baking soda
3/4 cup warm/hot water
Optional: Add 1/4 cup of sea salt
for extra cleansing and for dandruff prone scalp
Pour over hair and massage into scalp.
Step 2:
Deep Condition or Regular Condition
For deep conditioning, mix:
1/4 part honey
1/4 part aloe vera
If possible, warm mixture. Ring out wet hair and coat hair with mixture. Leave on hair for a few minutes to an hour, depending on how much conditioning you want. Rinse out.
For regular conditioning:
Put an all natural store bought conditioner in hair. Massage for a minute and rinse out.
Step 3:
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 cups water
Mix together, tilt head back, and pour mixture over hair. Massage into hair. Rinse out with cool water.