Monday, September 30, 2013

Have A GREAT Life

My reading of this book was long overdue and I am happy to say, I recently finished it and gained a renewed sense of inspiration and enjoyment for my personal macrobiotic practice.

Practicing macrobiotics has the potential to be a big challenge. I often hear people say, "I don't have time to do all that cooking." I used to feel that way at times. But it seems, once I get things going, make a plan and get into a rhythm, my practice becomes something interesting, inspiring, fun and spiritual. It is more than just food, it is an attitude, a way of living.

The Great Life Diet is written in a short and simple way. It's only 124 pages and includes a few recipes in the back as well as dietary guidelines for healing. This book is great for anyone who wants to improve their health, improve their macrobiotic practice or just refresh their knowledge. It inspired me to get back to the basics and really listen to my body as well as give it what it needs. Macrobiotics can be a gentle, mindful and peaceful way of eating and living that will help you cultivate more gentleness and peace with yourself and others. All you have to do is listen, sit, chew, have gratitude and recognize how beautiful this life is.

Gratitude is the way to be happy.

Check out this book. You will most likely learn something that will improve your life if you put it into practice. Happy reading!